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SÉANCE NO 5/PANEL NO. 5 - Early Latin American Cinema

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Commentaires - SÉANCE NO 5: Early Latin American Cinema


Comments - PANEL NO. 5: Early Latin American Cinema

Vassiliki Tsitsopoulou
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I loved the papers! 


Danielle Crepaldi Carvalho
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Thank you, dear Vassiliki! Xoxo

Danielle Crepaldi Carvalho
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Hi, everybody!
I was asked yesterday about Vermeulen/Vermeulin, a French Pathé operator who lived in Rio for one year from the middle of 1907. I when through my notes and I haven't found his name. I also checked quickly in the Brazilian Hemeroteca Database and nothing appeared. A colleague just told me that he found some information in a 1908 newspaper concerning a Pathé operator that was in Rio then. I found another piece of information, but from 1911, concerning this relationship between France and Brazil. On a Sunday, the 4th of June 1911 (p. 11), the newspaper "Gazeta de Notícias" informs that a certain film regarding a yacht club from Rio would be "cinematographed by the company Marc Ferrez & Filhos, under the direction of the talented operator from Pathé Frères that is passing by the city." If I find anything else I'll come back here!

Al best!


rafael luna
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In 1907, Marc Ferrez, Pathé's agent in Brazil, accompanied a tour of French congressman Paul Doumer to the state of Paraná, visiting farms and factories. The Pathé cameraman Vermeuler accompanied this tour and shot some films. 
